Find Your Perfect Drinkware to Sip Your Favorite Single MaltScotch or Bourbon in Style

Crafting a whiskey tumbler is not an easy job. You have to invest in the best quality materialsand keep them in good shape to create something that will last for years.The most popular material is oak because it’s affordable, durable, and attractive. It’s also themost commonly used material for fine furniture. The oak tree grows […]
NI introducing the Madison & Oak Whisky Tumbler

Tumbler | The whiskey cup that defines the whiskey drinking experience from the groundup.The reborn of the old wood whiskey cup into a new innovative whiskey tumbler. The shapeis borrowed from classic glass tumblers that have long been a staple of the industry and theelements of ancient traditions.the tumbler is the merge between aged and […]
After 3 years of hard work we finally launched our new VortexLeather bag, it’s amazing and we know you’ll love it

Forget bulky messenger bags or slings so tiny they can hardly hold your phone. The VortexShadow is a new category of bag, the only leather bag out there that’s slim and light enoughfor a day on the go, yet it still holds all the gear you’ll need for that day.
Plant1Up crushed out goal in 24 hours

Plants give off a feeling of calm and Plant1Up allows you to build your own garden indoorswith magnetic cells that scale up endlessly, from the very small to the very large ecosystems,Plant1Up will scale up to the garden of your dreams.
Hi all Just launched

Plant1Up is a one-of-a-kind planter ecosystemModular, Magnetic, endlessly scalableInspired by beehive cells, the planter is tiny, fits on the palm of your hand, and scales upmassively with magnetic connectors to create a planter ecosystem that fills a room. Add amodule, add a plant, then connect again on any side with 16 magnets on each cell.One […]
Royce Slugger M1 Leather backpack

Stunning full grain leather backpack is a product of cooperation with our backers andcommunity, it answers the needs of our larger community for a beautiful, sturdy, all dayleather backpack with room for all your needs.The process:We created the Slugger in our home offices at Nisnas HQ, then sent it all over the world toour community […]
Checkout what MRporter says about our Kole flask

Checkout what MRporter says about our Kole flask:…/barware/kole-flask/“As details and decorative designs see a resurgence, there seems to be less simple Scandichic in our lives these days. Thank goodness, then, for Nisnas Industries — which has goneagainst the grain with this subtle wooden flask. Slim and cylindrical, the ‘Kole’ design is amust-have for skiing or […]
Meet the Decanter

In the past a decanter was just that, a beautiful center piece so you could hold your whiskyor spirits, the decanter that sets a new standard. It allows you to experiment with spirits or,if you dont want to use the infusion chamber than it still remains an absolutely stunningclassy decanter without the added infusion chamber. Launching in 4 weeks […]
Introducing the all new Taylor Rex leather messenger bag

About the Taylor Rex:The Taylor Rex is a product of tradition for us at Nisnas Ind We based the design on our very first bag the Kul Rex, it was a smash hit buthad a wood spine that was beautiful but caused difficulties inmanufacturing. It was the first bag we ever made, so we loved it, it was a decade ago. Today we take the […]
Meet our new decanter

Well alright, here is a blog post I have been dying to write but our prototype has been in theworks for so long that I haven’t been able to share.Well here goes: meet our new stunning infusion decanter. It’s made of one solid piece of oakwith a glass inner sleeve and a removable bottom which […]